Wednesday, November 15, 2006

primo sonno

sooo i registered for classes today and realized that i probably have to take 6 language credits. which i guess would be fine since my spanish is muy terrible.. unless of course i'm jamming out to shakira.. i am beyond awesome at that.. but to be honest, i dont always know what the hell i'm singing about. maybe i will take italian so i can move to italy some day... nice. i already got my phrase of the day italian 2007 calendar! i'm so on this language thing. but now its time for beauty sleep... or ugly sleep.. we'll see how i wake up tomorrow. i'm shooting for beauty sleep. i'll cross my fingers.


Natalie said...

Italiano! Ahh, molto bene! Mi piace la sua scelta! Alla sua salute!

Marc said...

1) whatever happeend to transfering to techy?
2) i hate nicole richie!