Monday, December 11, 2006

twenty twenty twenty four hours ago...

i wanna be sedated. studying is boring. i hate that i have 3 effing exams back to back on tuesday. okay, so it's my fault for flying out thursday and having to reschedule two of my finals, but still... three-three-hour exams in one day? thats 9 hours of my life i'll never get back. i'm going to be the grumpiest bitch in town until sometime around noon on wednesday. and then i get to drive 3 hours to get home. blegh. i don't know where i'm supposed to find the time to pack. or write that stupid paper for the stupidest class of my life. i get why i have to take DURRR business classes, but what i don't get is why i have to sit around writing papers for them.. seriously.. better things to do. i think teachers who teach dumb shit are vengeful.

i hate drinking soda, but what else can i do to stay up all night? i'm not one of those adderall junkies.. so i guess it's mountain dew time. i swear i'm going to be so effing pissed if it makes me break out. no final is worth THAT. at least it's diet so i won't be a fatty nerd on top of it all.

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