Tuesday, May 1, 2007

champagne is for celebrating

finally done with finals! i've survived another semester of college without getting fat, arrested, knocked up, or marrying the navy. i only say that because i saw a pregnant girl in one of my classes today and it made my insides turn. i swear i saw her every class and didn't realize she was preggers until exam day. pretty weird. this one chick actually brought her baby to theater class one semester.. it was like show and tell baby-day all of a sudden. whatever. good for them, but babies freak me out. and so do girls who marry the navy at 19 and then have babies. i swear it's like a double-negative. blegh. i shouldn't even go there. this navy boy kept trying to hit on me at work the other week which i guess wouldn't be such a thing if his name hadn't been "Buddy" and he hadn't been so obviously southern. a navy boy is one thing... and a southern gentlemen is another.. but i'm not down for navy Billy-Bobs and their yee-haw shit.

so anyway, i went all betty crocker after my exam and made an apple pie after my grocery store excursion. i swear i'm such a fatty.. groceries get me excited. the woman at the check-out had a band-aid on her mouth.. i guess thats when you know you're in norfolk. maybe she's like a special nelly fan, i don't know, thats not my area of expertise... but i swear it looked like it was about to fall off and like she didn't even know like it was on her face. kind of like if you go into a neighborhood pool and come out with someone else's band-aid stuck to you in a funny spot. it was like that, but better, i swear.

it's late and i have yet to shower and get pretty for a night out on the town. i'm at the point where i could either get ready or take a nap. i haven't been sleeping for the past few nights, so i know what i should do... but a tuesday night is such a terrible thing to waste. i have an early date with the beach tomorrow... so i guess i'll just see what happens with me going out tonight. cheers.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

You, my friend, need to blog more often because no one else makes me laugh the way you do. So happy you're home now. We can frolick and play the eskimo way! Love you!